Percepción de los Estudiantes sobre la Evaluación al Desempeño Docente como un Instrumento para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa. Caso: Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
DOI: clave:
Educación, Modelos de Evaluación, Evaluación al Desempeño Docente, Education, Evaluation Models, Teacher performance EvaluationResumen
El propósito de esta investigación, es conocer a través de un estudio diagnóstico, la viabilidad del instrumento utilizado para la evaluación del docente por el alumno en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua a partir de las percepciones que del proceso tienen los propios alumnos. La investigación consideró como caso de estudio la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de esta universidad, eligiendo por muestreo aleatorio a 100 estudiantes inscritos en la Carrera de Contador Público. Los autores consideran que conocer las opiniones de los estudiantes sobre el instrumento, el proceso y la obligatoriedad de su participación en el mismo como requisito de inscripción a un ciclo escolar, aporta información muy valiosa sobre las debilidades o fortalezas que tiene el proceso de evaluación del desempeño docente por el alumno, que podrían tomarse en cuenta en un intento de lograr la eficacia del mismo. El estudio diagnóstico está respaldado además por el análisis del estado del arte sobre los modelos que a lo largo de los años se han ido implementando para llevar a cabo los procesos de medición que sirven para evaluar el desempeño del docente, particularmente la que se centra en la evaluación del docente por el estudiante.
The purpose of this research is to know through a diagnostic study, the feasibility of the instrument used for the evaluation of teachers by students in the Autonomous University of Chihuahua from the perceptions that of the process have the students themselves. The research considered as a case study the Faculty of Accounting and Administration at the university, choosing random sampling 100 students enrolled in the School of Public Accountant. The authors consider the views of students on the instrument, the process and the obligatory nature of their participation in it as a requirement of registration with a school year, provides valuable information on the weaknesses or strengths that the assessment process teacher performance by the student, that could be considered in an attempt to achieve effectiveness. The diagnostic study is further supported by the analysis of the state of the art on the evaluation models that over the years have been implemented to perform the measurement processes used to evaluate teacher performance, particularly focusing on the evaluation of teachers by students.The purpose of this research is to know through a diagnostic study, the feasibility of the instrument used for the evaluation of teachers by students in the Autonomous University of Chihuahua from the perceptions that of the process have the students themselves. The research considered as a case study the Faculty of Accounting and Administration at the university, choosing random sampling 100 students enrolled in the School of Public Accountant. The authors consider the views of students on the instrument, the process and the obligatory nature of their participation in it as a requirement of registration with a school year, provides valuable information on the weaknesses or strengths that the assessment process teacher performance by the student, that could be considered in an attempt to achieve effectiveness. The diagnostic study is further supported by the analysis of the state of the art on the evaluation models that over the years have been implemented to perform the measurement processes used to evaluate teacher performance, particularly focusing on the evaluation of teachers by students.